The 616 Diaries: Entry 33
If their aim was to keep me sedated and unable to think straight, they’re doing a damn fine job.
The 616 Diaries: Entry 32
I’m still… getting used to the idea that I might be Räum, or some reincarnation of him.
The 616 Diaries: Entry 29
Problem is, it’s hard to concentrate when you know your boss just snuffed out the life of your coworker.
The 616 Diaries: Entry 26
Okay, I know it’s been a week since the last entry, but a lot of stuff has been happening.
The 616 Diaries: Entry 22
Whoever wrote these prophecies must have done it as a joke, because every single fucking word is nonsense.
The 616 Diaries: Entry 20
I actually thought I would leave this town with nothing to show for it.