Amazon Reviews
The Best of Us Can Stand Alone, The Worst of Us Choose to Do So.
Most people on Earth and her nine daughters watch War World and just think it's the best sporting event of all time. The Eris Freedom Initiative wants to change that, but the system in place is oppressive and far-reaching.
Above all of them stands War World Entertainment, the company responsible for Eris, where the soldiers die painfully only to be reborn into another cycle of hellish combat. These corporate masters now promote Ryan Jenkins as a hero, but the man dying on those screens is not the same boy from New Chicago.
Behaviorally-modified, he has become a sociopath who enjoys killing, a hero for all the wrong reasons. That's why the Eris Freedom Initiative is planning to bring the real Ryan Jenkins back.
But can humanity rely on a man who killed himself?
As good as the first, if not better. – Web
There are only a few other authors aside from Mr. Kauffmann who, in my humble opinion, have produced a sequel that outshines the first. – Web
Just like its predecessor, this book makes you want to scream in agony for the protagonist and his friends. The enemy here is an enemy we all face at one time or another - reckless authority. – Henderson
If you can handle the fact that before they can rise, they have to start in the muck, take a chance. – 4Nbahu
…this is a story that will keep you thinking, and the parallels to current world issues cannot be overlooked. – Patiscynical